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"""Beryllium atom"""

__author__    = "Magnar Bjørgve"
__credit__    = ["Magnar Bjørgve", "Stig Rune Jensen"]

__date__      = "2021-02-16"

Beryllium atom#

We solve the Hartree-Fock equations for a closed-shell many-electron system

\[\begin{equation*} \left[\hat{T} + \hat{V}\right]\Phi = \Phi F \end{equation*}\]

In the equation above \(\Phi\) is a row vector of doubly occupied orbitals, \(F = \langle\Phi|\hat{T}+\hat{V}|\Phi\rangle\) is the Fock matrix, and \(\hat{V} = \hat{V}_{nuc} + 2\hat{J} - \hat{K}\) is the potential operator. We here define the nuclear attraction potential

\[\begin{align*} \hat{V}_{nuc}(r) = \sum_I \frac{-Z_I}{|R_I - r|} \end{align*}\]

with \(Z_I\) and \(R_I\) being the nuclear charges and positions, and the Coulomb and Exchange operators

\[\begin{align*} \hat{J} \varphi_i &= \sum_j \hat{P}[\varphi_j \varphi_j^\dagger] \varphi_i \\ \hat{K} \varphi_i &= \sum_j \hat{P}[\varphi_i \varphi_j^\dagger] \varphi_j \end{align*}\]

where \(\hat{P}\) is the convolution operator with the Poisson kernel \(P=1/r\). We iterate the Hartree-Fock equations in their integral form

\[\begin{equation*} \tilde{\Phi}^{n+1} = -2 \hat{G}^{\vec{\mu}^n}\left[\hat{V} \Phi^n + \Phi^n\left(\Lambda^n - F^n\right)\right] \end{equation*}\]

where \(\hat{G}^{\vec{\mu}}\) is a vector of convolution operators with the bound-state Helmholtz kernel \(G^{\mu} = e^{-\mu r}/r\) and \(\mu_i^n = \sqrt{-2\lambda_i^n}\) is a positive real number. \(\Lambda_{ij}^n = \lambda_i^n\delta_{ij}\) is a diagonal matrix containing the same parameters as used in the construction of the Helmholz vector. In practice we choose \(\lambda_i^n = F_{ii}^n\) such that diagonal elements vanish in \(\left(\Lambda^n - F^n\right)\).

from vampyr import vampyr3d as vp
import numpy as np
import numpy.linalg as LA
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
class HelmholtzOperator():
    Vectorized Helmholtz operator

    mra : The multiresolution analysis we work on
    lamb : vector of lambda parameters, mu_i = sqrt(-2*lambda_i)
    prec : Precision requirement

    operators : list containing HelmholtzOperators for each orbital

    def __init__(self, mra, lamb, prec):
        self.mra = mra
        self.lamb = lamb
        self.prec = prec
        self.operators = []

    def setup(self):
        mu = [np.sqrt(-2.0*l) if l < 0 else 1.0 for l in self.lamb]
        for m in mu:
            self.operators.append(vp.HelmholtzOperator(mra=self.mra, exp=m, prec=self.prec))

    def __call__(self, Psi):
        """Operate the Helmholtz operator onto an orbital vector"""
        return np.array([self.operators[i](Psi[i]) for i in range(len(Psi))])

class ExchangeOperator():
    Vectorized Exchange operator

    K(phi) = \sum_i P[phi * psi_i] * psi_i

    mra : The multiresolution analysis we work on
    Psi : Orbital vector defining the operator
    prec : Precision requirement

    poisson : Poisson Operator

    def __init__(self, mra, Psi, prec):
        self.mra = mra
        self.Psi = Psi
        self.prec = prec
        self.poisson = vp.PoissonOperator(mra=mra, prec=self.prec)

    def __call__(self, Phi):
        """Apply the exchange operator onto an orbital vector Phi"""

        Phi_out = []
        for j in range(len(Phi)):
            V_j0 = self.poisson(Phi[j] * self.Psi[0])
            tmp = (self.Psi[0] * V_j0).crop(self.prec)
            for i in range(1, len(self.Psi)):
                V_ji = self.poisson(Phi[j] * self.Psi[i])
                tmp += (self.Psi[i] * V_ji).crop(self.prec)
            tmp *= 4.0*np.pi
        return np.array([phi.crop(self.prec) for phi in Phi_out])

class KineticEnergyOperator():
    def __init__(self, mra, prec):
        self.prec = prec
        self.mra = mra
        self.derivative = vp.ABGVDerivative(mra, 0.5, 0.5)

    def laplace_operator(self, phi):
        return self.derivative(self.derivative(phi, 0), 0) + self.derivative(self.derivative(phi, 1), 1) + self.derivative(self.derivative(phi, 2), 2)

    def __call__(self, Phi):
        return np.array([(-0.5*self.laplace_operator(phi)).crop(self.prec) for phi in Phi])

class CouloumbOperator():
    Vectorized Couloumb operator

    J(phi) = \sum_i P[psi_i * psi_i] * phi

    mra : The multiresolution analysis we work on
    Psi : Orbital vector defining the operator
    prec : Precision requirement

    poisson : Poisson operator
    potential : Coulomb potential

    def __init__(self, mra, Psi, prec):
        self.mra = mra
        self.Psi = Psi
        self.prec = prec
        self.poisson = vp.PoissonOperator(mra=mra, prec=self.prec)
        self.potential = None

    def setup(self):
        rho = self.Psi[0]**2
        for i in range(1, len(self.Psi)):
            rho += self.Psi[i]**2
        self.potential = (4.0*np.pi)*self.poisson(rho).crop(self.prec)

    def __call__(self, Phi):
        """Apply Couloumb operator onto an orbital vector Phi"""
        return np.array([(self.potential*phi).crop(self.prec) for phi in Phi])

class NuclearOperator():
    Vectorized Nuclear potential operator

    mra : The multiresolution analysis we work on
    atoms : List of dicts containing charge and coordinates of the atoms
    prec : Precision requirement

    potential : Nuclear potential

    def __init__(self, mra, atoms, prec):
        self.mra = mra
        self.prec= prec
        self.atoms = atoms
        self.potential = None

    def setup(self):
        # Project analytic function onto MRA basis
        P_mra = vp.ScalingProjector(mra=self.mra, prec=self.prec)
        f_nuc = NuclearFunction(self.atoms)
        self.potential = P_mra(f_nuc)

    def __call__(self, Phi):
        """Apply nuclear potential operator onto an orbital vector"""
        return np.array([(self.potential*phi).crop(self.prec) for phi in Phi])

class NuclearFunction():
    Vectorized Nuclear potential operator


    atoms : List of dicts containing charge and coordinates of the atoms


    def __init__(self, atoms):
        self.atoms = atoms

    def __call__(self, r):
        "Returns the nuclear potential value in R"
        tmp = 0.0
        for atom in self.atoms:
            Z = atom["Z"]
            R = atom["R"]
            R2 = (R[0]-r[0])**2 + (R[1]-r[1])**2 + (R[2]-r[2])**2
            tmp += -Z / np.sqrt(R2)
        return tmp
def scf_solver(mra, atoms, Phi_n, F_n, precision, threshold, max_iter=30):
    """Kinetric-free Hartree-Fock SCF solver

    mra : The Multiresolution analysis to work on
    atoms : List of dicts containing charge and coordinates of the atoms
    Phi_n : Starting guess orbitals
    F_n : Starting guess for Fock matrix
    precision : Precision requirement
    threshold : Usually set to the same as precision, set to -1 to limit iterations by max_iter
    max_iter : Set maximum iterations

    Updates : Vector of orbital residual norms at each iteration
    Energies : List of energy contributions at each iteration
    Phi_n : Converged orbital vector


    # Setup nuclear potential
    V_nuc = NuclearOperator(mra, atoms, precision)

    # Loop parameters
    iteration = 0                # Iteration counter
    update = np.ones(len(Phi_n)) # Initialize error measure (norm of orbital updates)
    updates = []                 # Will capture wavefunction updates for visusualization
    energies = []                # Will capture energies for visualization

    # SCF loop
    while (max(update) > threshold):
        if iteration > max_iter-1:

        # Initialize operators for first iteration
        J_n = CouloumbOperator(mra, Phi_n, precision)
        K_n = ExchangeOperator(mra, Phi_n, precision)

        # Initialize vector of Helmholtz operators based on Fock matrix diagonal
        Lambda_n = np.diag(np.diag(F_n))
        G = HelmholtzOperator(mra, np.diag(Lambda_n), precision)

        # Apply potential operator to all orbitals
        VPhi = V_nuc(Phi_n) + 2*J_n(Phi_n) - K_n(Phi_n)
        KinOpr = KineticEnergyOperator(mra, precision)

        # Apply Helmholtz operators to all orbitals
        Phi_np1 = -2*G(VPhi + (Lambda_n - F_n) @ Phi_n)
        dPhi_n = Phi_np1 - Phi_n
        update = np.array([phi.norm() for phi in dPhi_n])

        # Compute overlap matrices
        S_tilde = calc_overlap(Phi_np1, Phi_np1)

        # Löwdin orthonormalization S^{-1/2} = U * Sigma^{-1/2} * U^T
        sigma, U = LA.eig(S_tilde)
        Sm5 = U @ np.diag(sigma**(-0.5)) @ U.transpose()
        Phi_bar = Sm5 @ Phi_np1

        # Initialize n+1 operators
        J_np1 = CouloumbOperator(mra, Phi_bar, precision)
        K_np1 = ExchangeOperator(mra, Phi_bar, precision)

        # Prepare for next iteration
        Phi_n = Phi_bar
        VPhikin = V_nuc(Phi_n) + 2*J_np1(Phi_n) - K_np1(Phi_n) + KinOpr(Phi_n)
        F_n = calc_overlap(Phi_n, VPhikin)

        # Compute energy contributions
        energy = calc_energies(F_n, Phi_n, V_nuc, J_np1, K_np1)

        # Collect output
        print(iteration, " |  E_tot:", energy["$E_{tot}$"], " |  dPhi:", max(update))
        iteration += 1

    return np.array(updates), energies, Phi_n

def calc_energies(F_mat, Phi, V, J, K):
    """"Calcuate all energy contributions"""

    V_mat = calc_overlap(Phi, V(Phi))
    J_mat = calc_overlap(Phi, J(Phi))
    K_mat = calc_overlap(Phi, K(Phi))

    E_orb  = 2.0*F_mat.trace()
    E_en   = 2.0*V_mat.trace()
    E_coul = 2.0*J_mat.trace()
    E_ex   = -K_mat.trace()
    E_tot  = E_orb - E_coul - E_ex
    E_kin  = E_tot - E_en - E_coul - E_ex

    return {
        "$E_{orb}$": E_orb,
        "$E_{en}$": E_en,
        "$E_{coul}$": E_coul,
        "$E_{ex}$": E_ex,
        "$E_{kin}$": E_kin,
        "$E_{tot}$": E_tot

def calc_overlap(Bra, Ket):
    """Calculate the overlap matrix between the orbitals <Bra| and |Ket>

    Bra : bra vector <Phi|
    Ket : ket vector |Phi>

    Overlap matrix


    S = np.empty((len(Bra), len(Ket)))
    for i in range(len(Bra)):
        for j in range(len(Ket)):
            S[i, j] = vp.dot(Bra[i], Ket[j])
    return S

def starting_guess(mra, atom, n_orbs, prec):
    """Primitive starting guess, works for Be"""

    # Define projector onto the MRA basis
    P_mra = vp.ScalingProjector(mra=mra, prec=prec)

    Phi = []
    for i in range(1, n_orbs+1):
        R0 = atom["R"]
        def f_gauss(r):
            R2 = (r[0]-R0[0])**2 + (r[1]-R0[1])**2 + (r[2]-R0[2])**2
            return np.exp(-R2/i)

        phi = P_mra(f_gauss)
    Phi = np.array(Phi)

    # Löwdin orthonormalization S^{-1/2} = U * Sigma^{-1/2} * U^T
    S = calc_overlap(Phi, Phi)
    sigma, U = LA.eig(S)
    Sm5 = U @ np.diag(sigma**(-0.5)) @ U.transpose()
    return Sm5 @ Phi
# Define molecule
mol = [
    {"Z": 4.0, "R": [0.0, 0.0, 0.0]}

# Set target precision
precision = 1.0e-3

# Define MRA basis and computational domain
k = 5                       # Polynomial order of MRA basis
world = [-20, 20]           # Computational domain [-L,L]^3 (a.u.)
MRA = vp.MultiResolutionAnalysis(order=k, box=world)

# Setup guess for the orbitals and the Fock matrix
Phi_n = starting_guess(mra=MRA, atom=mol[0], n_orbs=2, prec=precision)
F_n = np.array([
    [-1.0, 0.0],
    [ 0.0,-0.5]
# Run SCF solver to optimize the orbitals
orbital_updates, energies, Phi_n = scf_solver(MRA, mol, Phi_n, F_n, precision, precision, max_iter=30)
0  |  E_tot: -12.158806160497663  |  dPhi: 0.9554261103233852
1  |  E_tot: -13.910545962062471  |  dPhi: 0.6030032083595198
2  |  E_tot: -14.425154911621195  |  dPhi: 0.11248971009686566
3  |  E_tot: -14.550559502300937  |  dPhi: 0.056367744794410625
4  |  E_tot: -14.573091352701868  |  dPhi: 0.024464066721782796
5  |  E_tot: -14.576656010668405  |  dPhi: 0.009607118621517596
6  |  E_tot: -14.577184437878596  |  dPhi: 0.0036909439005734903
7  |  E_tot: -14.577255599761454  |  dPhi: 0.0017015854922230098
8  |  E_tot: -14.577262672068981  |  dPhi: 0.0009093846224262461