Function projection in a MW basis#

There are two equivalent representations of a function using multiwavets: the compressed representation and the reconstructed representation. The fisrt one employs the scaling functions at the coarsest scale \(N_0\) (defined by the domain of the problem) and the wavelet functions at all successive scales \(n = N_0, \ldots N_{max}\). The second one employs the scaling functions at scale \(N_{max}+1\)

Compressed representation:

\[f(x) \simeq \sum_i s^{N_0}_i \phi^0_i(x) + \sum_{n=N_{min}}^{N_{max}} \sum_l \sum_i d^n_{il} \psi^n_{il}(x)\]

Reconstructed representation:

\[f(x) \simeq \sum_l \sum_i s^{N_{max}+1}_{il} \phi^n_{il}(x)\]

The scaling and wavelet coefficients are formally obtained by projection:

\[s^n_{il} = \left\langle f(x)|\phi^n_{il}(x) \right\rangle\]
\[d^n_{il} = \left\langle f(x)|\psi^n_{il}(x) \right\rangle\]

Some practical considerations:

  • The scaling coefficients \(s\) are obtained by a simple quadrature scheme, often using the natural quadrature points (\(x_\mu\)) and weights (\(\omega_\mu\)) of the chosen polynomial basis

    • \(s^n_{il} \approx \sum_\mu w_\mu \phi^n_{il}(x) f(x_\mu)\)

    • If computed in this manner, the coefficients will only be accurate if the function \(f(x)\) is sufficiently smooth in that box. Indeed, if the function \(f(x)\) has fine-scale structure that falls between the numerical quadrature points, the computed values can be completely wrong.

    • Thus, adaptive refinement needs to be performed carefully and with the awareness that computationally viable approaches are just heuristics that can sometimes fail.

  • The wavelet coefficients \(d\) are obtained by computing the scaling coeffients at the next finest scale and then employing the two-scale relationship. Doing this recursively up the tree performs the wavelet transform.

  • The compressed representation shows how the scaling coefficients are used only at the coarsest scale whereas the wavelet coefficients are used at all subsequent scales

  • The sum over the translation indices \(l\) includes all nodes present at the given scale. In an adaptive representation the tree structure is locally terminated based on precision requirements

  • The reconstructed representation (here shown for a uniform grid) is performed at scale \(N_{max}+1\).

  • The compressed and reconstructed representations have the same number of coefficients.

In this exercise you will:

  • project a function of your choice using a fixed and an adaptive projection

  • inspect the tree structures obtained with each projection. What is the difference in the number of nodes?

  • check the precision achieved with the different projections. Which one is most precise?

Part 1: set up#

After importing the relevant packages (essentially the 1d routines of VAMPyR, numpy and matplotlib you need to create an MRA object, specifying the working interval and the order of the polynomial.

Thereafter you will create two projectors: a precision-based one and a uniform scale one.

Then you can define a function of choice which you will be using to experiment with precision.

Finally you will use the projectors to obtain the corresponding tree structures.

#importing relevant packages
from vampyr import vampyr1d as vp1
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
import numpy as np

#defining MRA and projectors
x_min = 
x_max = 
order = 
precision = 
uniform_scale = 
mra = vp1.MultiResolutionAnalysis(box=[x_min, x_max], order=order)
P_eps = vp1.ScalingProjector(mra, prec = precision)
P_fix = vp1.ScalingProjector(mra, scale = uniform_scale)

def f(x):

Part 2: projection of the tree structures#

Project the function using the two projectors created above and inspect the tree structures with print. Which one has more nodes? Which one goes deeper down in refinement (larger scale)? Do the norms agree with each other?

Extra: if you use the f_fix.crop(prec) function before printing the tree structures, what happens to it?

f_fix = P_fix(f)
f_eps = P_eps(f)


Part 3: Plotting and precision check#

You can now plot the analytical function, the two projected ones and the error obtained with them.

  • How precise are the representation?

  • Which one is the most precise?

  • Is the precision requested in the adaptive projection achieved?

  • Can you adjust the projectors above to increase the precision?

x_vec = np.linspace(-5, 5, 1000)
f_plt     = np.array([f([x]) for x in x_vec ])
f_fix_plt = 
f_eps_plt = 
diff_fix = 
diff_eps = 
plt.plot(x_vec, .... , "tab:red") # one function to plot
plt.plot(x_vec, .... , "tab:blue") # another function to plot